WATERMAN Catalog/ L. li. Waterman Company 157 Broadway, New York Boston — London — Chicago i I 1 Number 80 1 1 M^atermans Ideal Fountain Pen It Consists of Gold pen, the best that can he made : A hard rubber holder of the finest style and finish, containing an ink reservoir; and A feed that conducts the ink from the reservoir to the pen point with absolute uniformity and certainty. The holders are pure Para rubber, vulcan- ized to be as hard and black, and to take as high a polish as can be given without injuring their strength. They are made in sizes to (it the five regular sizes of Gold pens, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Kach holder is numbered according to its size, style and finish, and the unit figure of every number corresponds with the size of the regular Gold pen that fits that particular holder. The prices given in this catalogue are for complete holders and Gold pens fitted together ready for use, with an ink filler and a box to hold them. P R I C E L I S T The Regular Straight Holders Nos. 2 to h, ha\e straight < aps and battels, finished in I'hey at Black Rubber, Plain and Round See top illustration opposite No. j. cotdainino ou , [sj () 2 'i^old pen. S2.30 3.50 • |. •• ■• ■• .poo > 5 5.00 •• n .. >. () ().oo Black Rubber, Chased Barrel and Plain Cap See second illustration opposite No. 2. containing our No. 2 '^old pen. $2 50 " " ' " i; 3 ' u " 3.50 1- '* " >| " " .poo " 5- 5 u '* 5-oo " f >. " " n u 6.00 Mottled Red and Black Rubber, Plain and Round See third illustration opposite No. 2. containing our No. 2 *go!d pen, 52.50 ■ . , 3-5° " «|. 0 . (i w 4.00 5.00 6.00 Black Rubber, Hexagon Barrel and Cap See bottom illustration opposite No. 2. containing our No. 2 *gold pen, $}.oo u 3- " " " ' k * u '|.oo " I- u u u A u " .pso " 5' - 41 u 5 " " S-So " - i; o ki " (,.50 * I he Cold pens shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No. .\ si/e pen points. On pages is and 22 is a full description (with iliusttations I , of all the (•old pens furnished. I 1 i .1 I I ( The engravings show the actual length and size of the fountain pens that take the No. 4 Gold pens.;j; The same patterns are made in the other sizes when their prices are included in the price lists. The Gold pens shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No : 4 size. On pages 18 and 22 is a full description (with illustrations), of all the different styles of nibs, the grades of points, flexibility and other characteristics of the Gold pens. The Waterman feed for fountain pens is the onlv scientific feed made which secures a certain flow of ink that is regulated auto- matically by the act of writing, and its use for the last eighteen years has revolutionized writing instruments until fountain pens are being used not simply as pocket conveniences, but as the best writing instruments for all purposes. The capillary How is secured bv splits in the feed, that operate the same way as the split in dip pens, by a principle of feed- ing which has not been improved since its original use more than five thousand years ago. Until there is an improvement in the split of the pen there can be no improvement upon the split as a feed. Formerly when the ink reservoir was almost emptv, the warmth of the hand expanded the air in the barrel and caused the last few drops of ink to pass very freelv through the feed. Espe- cially in cold weather, if the pen was taken up quickly, such overflow- was likely to occur, and though hardly noticed by the average writer, (Kxccp. N„ s . 2 „, 4al „,„, 0!CI (!Klrrs , ; lm| I7) _ w|ikh takc N i ^ f;n|(| ^ ^ 1' K i C E L I S T Gold Mounted Regular Holders Nms. 2 to h .r„|,| mounted have strath* barrels and raps Ik'v aie finished with im>M hands (narrow 011 No. 2 , milium "it .\o. and u ide as illustrated on \'os. .), 5 and f>). Black Rubber, $ Ribbed Gold Bands, Chased Barrel and Plain Cap See top illustration opposite -» containing our No. 2 *.u;ol *' " 4-5° { .. ' ' " " 5- 00 5- ' 5 '* " ^.00 " {) < " (3 " •• ? .oo Black Rubber, t Crescent Engraved Gold Bands, Chased Barrel and Plain Cap Sec hottom illustration opposite No. 2. containing our No. 2 *f»o)d pen. $7 co ]' .. „ 3 } 5o 4 '* '* 5.00 5- - u " 5 " " 6.00 " (> - <> " - 7.00 £Thh design ol \t;old hands also furnished on Nos. 2 > to »o qold mounted, see pai;e 11. *I'he f'.old pens shown in the illustrations of the holders an- the medium nihs in the No. 4 size pen points. On pates is and .'2 is a full description (with illustrations') of all the ( .old pens furnished. [Also furnished in scalloped engraved bands. (See bottom illustration pnqe 1 1 } . it gave rise to considerable prejudice on the part of professional people whose time is too valuable to admit of even a moment's interruption. The new Spoon Feed overcomes this objection, and one has only to try it to be con- vinced. It is an original device, fully covered by patents, that has lately been perfected by the manufac- turers of the Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. By reference to the cuts you will notice on either side of the feed proper, four shal- low, spoon -shaped cells. Any overflow of ink, no matter what the cause from which it arises, flows into these pockets, which are contrived with such nicetv as to hold the drops with perfect safety until they are carried off bv the ordi- nary action of the pen. The New Spoon VrrA s P R I C E L I S T The Cone Cap Holders Xos. i.? to im have corn- caps, tapering bands without shoulders. The\ are liuished in No. Black Rubber, Plain or Threaded Sec top illustration opposite 12, containing our No, 2 *gold pen, $2.50 '> " " " ) u " 3. So 'I, " " 4i 4 u 4.00 ■5> " " li 5 " " 5.00 ■ '>. " " " 6 '" (>.oo No. Mottled Red and Black Rubber, Plain or Threaded Sec second illustration opposite 12, containing our No. 2 *gold pen, $2.50 " " " 3 : ' * " 3. so •I- " u -i •• 4.00 '5. ; ' " u 5 5.00 '* " - 6 " 0.00 Black Rubber, Chased Barrel and Cap Sec third iiluslt at iott opposite No. 12, containing our No. 2 *go!(I pen, ^2.50 " U " " .1 " - 3-5° M« " " " A " " 4.00 >5- " *" " 5 '* " 500 '• i'>. - •• ; - 6 u 6.00 The Desk Holders (Taper) Nns. .|.; to arc made of Mack and of mottled nihher, with round hands, (aperitif from near the pen to the top. They have the t one cap, the same as Nos. 12 to 16, descrihed ahove, to cover the gold pen when not in use. Black and Mottled Rubber, Plain or Threaded See hottom illustration opposite No. 13, containing our No. 3 *gol(l pen. $3.50 " !!• " ; " " 4 i; 4.00 " 15- " '" 5 44 - 5.00 " -K>- " ; * 6 " ■• 6.00 * I he ' '.old pens shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nihs it* the No. .) size pen points. On pages 18 and ?z is a full description f with illustrations), of rdl the Cold pens furnished. Ihus we have a sure safety-valve, which prevents the ink from blot- ting, and removes the last objection to the use of a fountain pen. When the Waterman feed was invented we began to sell it in connection with the straight holders which were the standards at that time. We now make four. .other styles of holders, that originated with us, the desk, the taper, the twist, and the cone cap which is made without shoulders. The Desk Holders, illustrated bottom page 9, are the most perfect writing instruments ever made for office or library use. They combine : 1. Perfection of form ; being long, tapered, and as slim as is possible for the size of the pen they carry, with a smooth surface from the pen to the tip, without knurls or ridges in the way of the fingers : 2. Perfect action of the pen, which is secured bv adjusting it in the holder so as to bring its point nearly in a line with the center of the holder, in which position the least muscular effort is required in holding and guiding the pen/and the greatest amount of work can be done with the least fatigue; and 3. A continuous and uniform flow of ink, giving an even color, and permitting the fastest writing, as no time is lost in dipping, shaking or fussing with the pen, which is no more impediment to the thought or inspiration of the writer than his breathing. I' K I C: K L I S T The 7'aper Holder (Pocket) Nns t<» 2" fund 1-anels and taper eaps. Cold mounted air finished with !d hands (natiou on No. 22. medium on No and wide, as illustrated, on Nos ^i ?=; and ih). Black and Mottled Colored Rubber See top illust ration opposite No. 22. containing our No. 2 *go| Black Rubber, Plain Gold Band, Chased Barrel and Plain Cap See third illustiation opposite No. 22, containing our No. 2 *gol(l pen. ' •• 4.50 2 1- . '* \ " " 5.00 -.*>• ().00 " ~ n - <> " - 7.00 Black Rubber, f Scalloped Engraved Gold Bands, Chased Barrel and Plain Cap Set* liottoiH UliuihiUifMI OpprtHht* No. 22. containing our No. 2 *gol(l pen. $3. 5° -.>• J .4.50 -I- ' -I " vOO *" -5- " - - 5 " 0.00 JO - *' " " *> " " 7.00 *' I he ( jold pens show n in the i I lust i at ions of (he holdeis air the medium uihs in the No. .j size prn points. On parses iS and .».' is a full description (with illustrations) , of all the Cold pens f 111 n ished. I Also lilt nished in eteseent engraved hands. iSrehottom illustiation pai;e 7. ) the Taper Holders, illustrated, page i 1 , are a combination of the straight and taper for pocket and for desk use. This is the most graceful form of fountain pen holder ever made for the pocket. We neglected to patent it, and it has been complimented by being copied, more or less imperfectly, by most of the fountain pen makers. The Twist Holders, illustrated, page 13, are the same as the tapers except that the barrel or reservoir part,instead of being uniformly round, is beautifully cut in hexagon, octagon and cable patterns. I he Cone Cap Holders embody new principles, which are an improvement upon all other styles of fountain pen holders ever made. They are the result of five years of constant study and experi- ment by which we have been able: 1st. To make a holder that would be smooth, regular and easy for the fingers, capable of being used constantly every dav with- out callousing the fingers or tiring them or the hand, and in this wav preventing the exhaustion of the muscles which so often culminates in writers' paralysis. This feature of this holder, in connection with the easy writing quality of the Gold pens, permits them to be held without the strain of the tight grip and the hard pressure necessary with many others. 2d. To make a cap that could be duplicated by mail in any part of the world without requiring the rest of the holder to be sent to the manufacturer in order that the new cap could be properly fitted to it. These caps, fitting on the barrel above instead of below the ink 1' R I C E L I S T The Vest Pocket Holders (Short) Nos. v to ,;('> are like tin: Nos. 2 In fi, except thai thev ate shin ier and hold less ink. Black Rubber, Plain or Chased Barrels, Plain Caps See lop illustration opposite No. ]2. containing our No. 2 *gold pen. > " :>.)• *' " 3 " .31- " " 4 J.OO '[ .35- " " '* 5 5.00 • ; •• •• »t (r; u h.OO Twist Rubber Holders (Taper) Nos. 1 2.1 ami 125 ate made of black rubber, ami have lapri caps ami spiral rut fancy bands of different patterns. Black Rubber, Cable Twist Barrel, Plain Cap See second illustration opposite No. i2.|, containing our No. \ *go!d pen. 55.00 ,2 5- " " 5 4 * - n.oo Black Rubber, Octagon Twist Barrel, Plain Cap See third illustration opposite No. 12 }. containing our No. _j *gold pen. S5.00 " ]2 5- 5 " " h.oo Black Rubber, Hexagon Twist Barrel, Plain Cap See bottom illustration opposite No. \ 2\. containing our No. 4 *gold pen, $5.00 " 125. " " " 5 " " 6.00 * I he Cold pens shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No. 4 size pen points. On pajjes 18 and 22 is a full description (with illustrations), of all the (iold pens furnished. * f ' - t « joint, do not, in removal, tend to loosen or tighten the ink joint ; they protect it from breaking; they always fit either end of the holder equally well in spite of unequal wear; and the caps of each size will fit any holder of that size. Any dealer who has them can supplv one from his stock immediately and order another to replace it hv the number. jd. I o combine an easy writing Gold pen, a smooth and comfortable holder, and a self-adjusting cap with the perfect auto- matic feed of the Waterman pen, in a pocket holder that would be clean in the pocket as well as in use. Our success in thus combining all the best features of our other styles, enable us to furnish in this Cone Cap Holder an incom- parable fountain pen, that is the best writing instrument in the world, and that will become the favorite pen of all who use it. The world over the Waterman Ideal is the best known, and known to be the best pen. In all the exhibitions where it has been shown, it has received the highest awards given. The medals awarded are : By the Mechanics' Institute, New York, 188 ?) The Medal of Excellence, (Bronze) ; , 884, The Medal of Superiority, (Bronze); 1885, The Special Medal, (fSilver). At the Imposition Universelle, Paris, 1880, The Bronze. Medal (the highest awarded to fountain pens). 1' RICE LI s T The Silver Mounted Holders No :i22 have taper rubber caps and Solid Sterling Silver I'anHs Imeil with rubber Barleycorn Pattern, with Name Plate See top illustration opposite Nn 222. containing our No. 2 *£o!d pen. S.j.oo Chased Pattern, with Name Plate Set- second illustration opposite No. 222. containino our No. 2 "gold p C n. $,, i00 Flute, Chased and Barleycorn Pattern See thiol illustration opposite N<>. 222. containino mn No, 2 *oold pcn. S6.00 No name plate .,) plain surface for engiax ing S Plain Pattern See bottom illustration opposite No. 222. containino our No. 2*Vold pen. 5|.oo I he < ,oid pens shown in the illusti ations of th v holders are "><\'"< d«"'H nil-s in Hie No. .> size pen points. On paees is ami .'-•is a lull desenption (with illusttations). of all "the No •» < -old pens fui uished. jl'laiii silxer or plain U old mounting also furnished in Nos I" - :«n«l 05..... pai .e ,„ : p ., KC , s . ;m( , N()s and 505. page 20. At the California Midwinter International Exposition, San Francisco, 1894, The Gold Medal (the highest award). At the Cotton States and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., j 895; at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, Tenn., 1897, and at the Trans-Mississippi and International Expo- sition, Omaha, .898; the Gold Medal (the highest award to any article), and the only Gold Medal awarded to a fountain pen. At the International Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900, the Highest Award and the only Gold Medal issued to a fountain pen. At the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, the Bronze Medal (the highest awarded), and a diploma for superi- ority, reading : Award for specific points of excellence, which are as follows: 1st. Positive excellence of materials used throughout ; 2d. Excellent workmanship; 3d. -(-Superior excellence of action of feed; 4th. Writes the moment the pen touches the paper; 5th. Doesn't overflow or skip; 6th. Simple in construction; 7th. Very cleanlv. A diploma of honorable mention has, by act of the Congress of the United States of America, been conferred upon L. E. Water- man, in recognition of his skill and ingenuity as the designer and inventor of the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen, exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. ("v,„\ h J.r„"' l „r'cx P «H^c'.. i> '"" in "' c " ip,oma of a " y ro, "" ai " "" r is *"y »• «"«r PRICE LIST The Gold and Silver Holders No. .102 arc the regular straight patterns with Solid Sterling Silver barrels and caps, lined with rubber. No. 0502 arc the regular straight pattern, with iS-karat Gold- lillt'd barrels and caps lined with rubber. Barleycorn Pattern, with Name Plate See top illustration opposite No. 402. containing our No. 2 *gold pen, 55.00 Chased Pattern, with Name Plate See second illustration opposite No. 402. containing our No. 2 *gold pen, $7.50 0S02. " 2 " " 10.00 Cable Chased Pattern See third illustration opposite No. 402, containing our No. 2 *gold pen, $7.50 No name plate or plain surface for engraving Golpheresque Pattern, with Name Plate See bottom illustration opposite No. 402, containing our No. 2 *gold pen, £7.50 " 0502. (; 2 " u 10.00 Plain Covered Barrel and Cap Design, see bottom illustration, page 15 No. 402. containing our No. 2 *gold pen, $0.50 0502. ;i - li 2 ' <; " 10.00 ♦The Cold pens shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No. 2 size pen points. On pages and 22 is a full description (with illustrations), of all the No. 2 Cold pens furnished. ■f 0 it t Gold I e n s ^3' e SO ' id :lS fine ( ' old as tl,e hest > so fine that they are not corrodible by' ink or otherwise, and as fine as they can he made and have sufficient allov * to make them strong, clastic and durable. The points are diamond-pointed with the hest iridium, and ground by the most skilled workmen to have a great variety of points; some smooth, like ordinary Gold pens, and some to "feel" the paper like steel pens, so that all can be suited with their favorite points. They are made in five sizes, Nos. 2, 4 , 5 and 6. The assortment includes long, medium and short nibs; and fine, medium, coarse and stub points, with varying degrees of flexibility to suit any hand. Besides the regular nibs and points, we make and keep in stock a very large variety of special pens for all purposes. These include : Bookkeepers' pens and stenographers' pens, in which we have to meet the demands of the most particular and exacting experts. The stock of these pens has to be especially selected, because of the K I C E L I S T The Gold and Silver Mounted Holders No. "i 1m,. taper rubber caps ami Solid Sterline: Silver hands lined with rubhet . N" . <\w.\ have taper n.bher caps and iS-karat Cold-filled '•a t ic's lined u ith rubber. No. have taper rubber caps and solid i,j-kaiat Cold i'.n tels lined w ith rubber. Tbev arc finished in the same pai- t' iM4 as thy Solid Sterling Silver mounted holders and are made to outer when n<.( in s to ( k. Barleycorn Pattern, with Name Plate See top illustration opposite No. 22 \. containing onr } j H . n " " 4 * 1 " •• 20.00 Chased Pattern, with Name Plate See second iiiiiKtrnilon opposite No. containing our No. | *gold pen. SS oo ;; °>-;i- - i ' •• m.oo ~ ■* 1 ■* *■ 25.00 Patch Pattern, with Name Plate See thiid illustration opposite No. 22. j. containing our No. 4 *gold p ni . $ {) co " °>- I- I - - 10.00 Cable Chased Pattern See bottom illustration opposite No. 22 |. containing ,„„. No. .| *gold pen. 59.00 N«» name plate or plain surface for nigrax in.e. Golpheresque Pattern I )esi,t»n. see bnttdtn illustration, pa«e 17 No. o;,j.|. containing our No. .j gold pen. 5,0.00 " " " I " " 25.00 Plain Gold Mounted Pattern l>csii;n. see bottom illustration, pa^e 1 =; No. ]2.\. containing our No. | gold pen, 515.00 *The Cold petis shown in the illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No. .| si/.e pen points. Unpaids iS and ?2 is a full ,•*- .it ^» £ UJ >- . « «■.«..«,.».-■ » f ■ t • • »W 4 life and flexibility required in the nibs, as well as the extreme hard- ness and smoothness of the iridium points. We are happy to assert that many of this class of writers whom we have found it most diffi- cult to please, are now our most enthusiastic friends. Manifolding pens, especially designed for carbon copying under all conditions. These points are so shaped, and so heavily reinforced, that they will stand any amount of strain which may be put upon them by order clerks, postal clerks, or other business people who are compelled to do their work in duplicate. We have dozens of testimonials attesting to the perfection and durability of this line. The joj pen, with an extra fine point. J, or English pens, with round, coarse points ; and Fens with turned-up points, or ball-points of different degrees of fineness. We will cheerfully make to order points to duplicate the action of any steel pen that may be shown us, if we cannot furnish such promptly from our stock. In short, our Gold pens are the best that can be made in all respects — the purity of the Gold, the unexcelled workmanship, the variety of points and the grades of flexibility—and we are thus enabled to suit any one with his favorite pen, warrant it uncon- ditionally, and guarantee that it shall be satisfactorv or refund his money. 20 1' RICE LIS T The Gold and Silver Holders No. .104 arc the tegular straight patterns, with Solid Stcrliucr Silver barrels and caps, lined with rubber. No 0504 are the regular straight pattern, with iS-karat Cold- wied barrel and caps, lined with rubber. No sot are the regular straight pattern, with Solid 14-karat ( .old barrels and caps, lined with rubber. Thev at e finished in the same patterns as the Solid Silver holders, a'nd are made to outer when not in stock. Barleycorn Pattern, with Name Plate See top illustration opposite No. 40 1. containing our No. 4 *gold pen, 5S.00 " 5°-l. u il " 4 " 4i 30.00 Chased Pattern, with Name Plate See second illustration opposite No. 404. containing our No. 4 *gold pen, #10.00 " °5°l. " " " 4 ' u " 15.00 5°!- " - i{ 4 " " 35.00 Patch Pattern, with Name Plate See third illustration opposite No. 0504. containing our jsj 0 . } *g 0 \d pen. $15.00 Repousse Pattern, with Name Plate See bottom illustration opposite No. 404. containing our No. 4 *gold pen. $n.oo 5° I- ** '* A " " 40.00 Golpheresque Pattern Design, see bottom illustration, page 17 No. 404. containing our No. 4 *go!d pen. $11.00 " <>5; t; ■! u " 10.00 " 5o.|. u ,; " 4 '* " 25.00 ♦The Cold pens shown in (he illustrations of the holders are the medium nibs in the No. \ size pen points. On pages iH and 71 is a full desct iptiou (with illustrations), of all the No. ,\ Cold pens furnished. i Si zes Nibs short (Fine Med. Sizes Nibs I'oi iits Fine Med. Coarse Gold P c n s Illustrations of Niks and Points used in Waterman's Ideal Fountain Fens Long Short j Fine Med, Coarse •Stub Turned-up point Fine Med. Coarse Fine Med. Coarse •Stub Stenographers' nn K"M pen. top M,,„„„,l : No. ' ' ,,„ , v p,,„ N„ s . v to p l:li „ ( 'hnstd ,„ ■,;„,,, Price List of Pens, Chatelaine and Memorandum Pad shown on opposite pare. and ran I it w>< I ^ . ; 1 1 , . ..i.i .. ■ r r R Short \ mi DEAl Fine Med. Coarse Turned-up point Fine Med. Coarse Stub (irailes of Stubs 1 Stub Narrow Med. I. DEAl Fine Med. Coarse Turned-up point Oblique Nos. v It. ,;(•,, Co!,! Mounted haw- straight l.ngraved Cold Hands, Chased Matte! and IM No. 32, containing our No. _> u ,,ld p,n *; S n -11 " . .. ., V, , • Same variety of points to be had in all sizes where stub is indicated. hatreds and raps. Mack Ruhhei, Narrow un ( :ip. See hottom illustration opposite- No. AS. miitrtiiiitifr our No. 5 ^Id pen, . $6.00 \ ( \ " " i\ 22