WATERMAN Catalog, ca. 1914 "THE PERFECT GIFT" Beautiful and Permanently Useful I n tl c A ware is l f se of the Fountain |\.„ ( i u a ran tec Relative Sizes .... Sizes of Per is Parts of Pen Pocket Pens Cone Cap Pens . , Taper Cap Pens . , Self-Filling 1 ype , Safety Type Cheek Hook Pen Secretary Pens . Ornamented Styles Gifts . Fngraving Caps Clip-Caps .... Vest and Chatelaine Pockets Inks . , . Cleaners and Joint Openers Care of a Pen .... Directions and Suggestions Exchanges and Repairs Where to Buy How to Order . Pump-Filling' Pen How Long Will It Write 3 . 4-(i {) 7 8 o 10 n 12 13 14 15 Hi 17-11) 20 21 22-23 23 24 25 2(\ 27 28 28 2<) 29 30 31 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Three ] List of Awards In }u\m i, ! ( .)07 188 5 1884 188 5 i;'io7 IKHX 1889 3 894 IH95 'I each Mechanics Institute, N. Y', ( Excellence Mechanics I nstitute. N. V. , Superiority Mechanics Institute, N.Y.. Special Mechanics Institute, N. Y., Superiority Mechanics inslitute, N. Y.. Supcriorit y Mechanics Insiirute, N. Y ., Superiority Mechanics Inslitute, N. Y., Excellence Exposition Univcrselle, Paris, Highest h World's Co'hian Exposition, Chicago n California Mid-winter, San Francisco <; Cotton Sales Internat'al. Atlanta, (,'a. <; 1897 Tennessee Centennial. Nashville,., I 898 Trans-Mississippi, Omaha, Neb 190(1 International Exposition. Paris 1901 GlasiMi'.v International Exhibition 19(i] Pan-Amer. Exposition, llutralo, N.Y. 1901-2 inter-Stale. Evpo'n. Chariest on, S. ( '. 190} Osaki Exposition, Osrtki, japan 190-1 Louisiana 1'urchase, St. l.ouis, Mo... 1905 l.euis.t Clarke, Portland, Ore r, 1906 International Exposition, Milan, Italy <:. 1906 Dominion Exposition, Halifax, N. S. <; he awards received have been the highest obtainable and the only one of its kind la instance. Key: 11, Hronxt; (,', (Hold; S, Silver. ( Page Four ] Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen _y ^ w w v#i- 'The Use of tke Fountain Pen VKRYBODV WRITKS, and almost everybody should use a fountain pen, I he day of fountain pen jibes and jokes has passed. €.Novv-a-days one is lost without a fountain pen. it coin- bines pen and ink so perfectly at all times, and there are so many places , , where !t 'S indispensable, that it is no louder a luxury, but a necessity C.More than half of those who do not use a fountain pen have never tried VV aterman s Ideal Fountain Fen. It is not only expected vo but is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and the nn lions who use it are living evidence of the fact that it iloes give perfect service. €1, Probably there is no article that serves more varied requirements, and the needs of the individual users .'inter greatly. Almost everybody writes differently i-.icri has some preference in the selection of a pen' I his we recognize. For Special Writers €lF«»r the man who wishes a Stub, we have a Stub pen- ; l :lk '"" for the man who likes a balcon; for Mani- ■»l< ">ir wc make a stiff pen that wntes like a pencil, bur makes a better copy; for stenographers we have special points (and much of our success has been due to our »»'f'ty to satisfy Stenographers); f-r Hook keepers we have pens that make fine lines and deposit little ink.so that blot-' i»g paper ,s unnecessary. C. Waterman's ideal Fountain tns are made m all sizes. As the pen increases in size the barren increases m capacity and the whole increases Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Five ] Tke V arious Styles *J 'The plate of pens shown on page 7 illustrates the relative sizes from the smallest to the largest. If is the key plate to the pen styles shown further on. Almost everyone of the different styles pictured is made in all of (lie sizes illustrated on this pane. The unit figures in the numbers at the hoi lorn of the following pages will indicate the relative sizes of the different priced fountain pens. Tke S poon Feed % The Spoon Feed is, and has been since its incep- tion by us, the only one of its kind on the market. It is Hat and broad. Almost every fountain pen has a flat, broad feed. There is no virtue, however, in mere width of rubber. The merit of the Spoon Feed lies in the semi-circular pockets cut into the side, which are not visible ordinarily, and which hold any overflow of ink caused by air pressure or otherwise. This is the feature that is patented. This is the Spoon Feed. *J It eliminates the Hooding so common to all ordinary fountain pens. It makes it a safe pen for bookkeeper:-, and other careful writers. *J No other feed will give such a perfectly uniform How of ink ; no other pen gives always enough and never too much. It is perfection. Beyond it there is nothing to attain. I nutations ij The unparalleled success of Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, which lias been the standard for upwards of twenty-five years and which has always kept pace wd.li changing conditions, has encouraged a horde of imita- tors, some of them sufficiently unscrupulous to couple the very name of our product with an inferior article, [ Page Six ] ArVaterman s Ideal Fountain Pen and taking advantage in that way of the reputation that has been built up by us the past quarter century. CThe purchaser who would be sure, therefore, should see to it that his pen is Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. 1 he word Ideal" identifies the genuine, and will be inuiul stamped in a world on every pen. Look for the word in the world. It identities the world's best writ- mg instrument. Guarantee CLhvery Waterman's Ideal Fountain Fen is unreservedly guaranteed wherever sold. Fen points may be exchanged as often as necessary in order to lit the hand, or the full purchase price will be refunded within thirty days if the pen is not entirely satisfactory. €[11 your local dealer has not a sufficiently large stock to exactly fit your requirements, at our stores, located in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Mont- real and London, you can exchange your pen for one which exactly suits your taste. €[We aim to give, and if you help us will give, entire satisfaction. We ask you not to keep a pen unless entirely suited as to pen action, then that you carry it right side up, use good ink and keep the pen clean. ClJ )o this and satisfaction is certain. A mo5t exceptional Konor was paid Mr. L. E. Waterman, inventor of Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, when in 1893 :i diploma of Honorable Mention was conferred upon Kim BY ACT OF THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [Page Seven] Sizes and Styles oi Cone Cap Holders. Straight and Taper Cap Holders made in same scale of sizes. For other MyWs (Special Mountings}, $«' pagtts 10-1*) Shu tn .1. & No U N.i. IX Style: Plain Black, No. 2 the gold jxn. Thi» »tyie in tt>« >f»fn »iict atlowil, Yi 'Mi No, It ..... . J-i Oi) No. Ui *»>.<«'» N<> l« ."J. 50 No. iS ..... . 5.00 No. 17 7.W AltoOoueil. Mottled oi ('jnliiul Jl mum (iikti. JH.tXJ Si/., 1 \ Sl,k: Cln.M.1, tli.ld-.MounHd, Hum Mi.l.llr »K-k. KUr-d. No. \ m/« * ' II... mi!, ir. il.r ..v.-n .i-r% \l • I 1m. Mi !. it. Il.r , ,. M \\ K- M. li. M. M. . . »V>" I'-. \'. \' . . \». I.'. -, M M. . . I .■» .V... IS <■■ M »>. ■ ■ >••••• M M • • *" I -i. I,. M. M . . I ' ' 1 ' , llllfipjl iiiMiWiiii Nr/.o No. 14 Si/.c No. Stylo: CurUini»l, with -Clip-Cap. No. 4 size K old pen. I lm p«:» «»r,i< price.. 'Oerman Silver <.'li,,» *dd ^ to >ll |-'«cm. "■'••^.aa&te J r Style: Cold-Mount.-.!, Chased H«n«J.s, with 'Clip-Cap. No. S gold pen. 1 v7 t-\N.'» wit>* pbi'i loud-- j ()«('> -l)!** nt tUt M V' ii si/*'* ■.!.(.'.*.».. , M n.,.. s... n.<: m . . . J.M«> N.i. »'..<:. m. . • »■'•'"' M - ■ V N,. I 1 i, M . , 4.M. N.i I 1 .. I.. M. . • >>>" «7. <•■ M- '<:„!.i i ,n,-.t .1.,. . j.i .t n .in in »m |i.ur> . si.int (...i.t <.■:.[.•. ...M '•' ^'i !"'<••- iiute 16 Sjylc; Fi!«aree, SwrlinK Silv«. with *Clip-Cap. No. 6 size gold pen- Mi'u «tyl* in thi! srvto shown. N „ f',1. , . . V,.m No. 4M. Fit $7 00 No. <}«. Fit. . . ^- NV iUi Fili. NPtn,»rf« No.,415, fit 8. SO No. U7, M . . 11^ , w »!,ll pr.ctr. hi'^.e t *7 ;Styk : Gold-Monnlcd Cup (ch.^d or p'i.hh bAiul). 'No. 7 s!« gold pen. l/ t ,ViJ.O,.M.C» f .^ ^.H,G.M.e f p.5S..$7.00 No. 18, CM. Cup U.O.M.Cty. N»- li.G.M.C.i.. WK) No. 17,<..M. t.a,. . K.t« Piain Blact, I"has<.i oi Molded finish. No. !'i Style: Mottled, No. 8 size pi toowu |2 M is .... H-iiO H-». i«>' H>-00 ifr ■ 3,» JS 5,tX> No. J7 ■ ?.» A!»o i'i'u.i HIv.V. l.'hixd t.'jf.hnit WiH. hi- No. 1'.! pro is fi/i in icng ; o(h in all holders with numbers en Uiit/ with 6, etc.. as above. No. 7 in all holders with numbers ending with 7, etc., as above, | i — No. 8 in all holders with numben ending- with S, etc., as above. Falcon Pe en Fitted only to No. H holder. Manifolding Pen Made iii all sizes. Prices of Gold. Pens and ;>!]< ■ihort Med i urn Long ';• hese various lines of pens are furni.slvd in all numbers.. Broad Stubs Na rrow (..)!> 1 1 (| v.c fori Above three varieties of stubs Special Pcius / < < \ ii) all si /,f..i. V Ruling Music ami Tu rn,/d- u p Point 6 nvancct on old pen.-i (/t br ),' u;i rant<'fii to wear veil, or to have .same <.|uaiiiy id point, or tlexibiiil y o! wv, pen. i'eir> smaller than N are .seldom wort it r< poiitttn};. Price Li.xf oi Separate Part.* • ~ Plain. Chafed. Men i led or Ca rd l na i I i o 1 dcrs barrel f. I) i an i '.'ap ' K } |>r;«-»*«* as shown l.H.nv do tK»t appiv on ( JoUi Mounu-d < ..»ods. Kot price* n! K'.U\ lii'.unicd eans i.f (>«•!. i ( • ; : c add Sl.iai p, ,,f phi'!. v ! i ■ -4 ! 4- • 3 H -oi y i e 2 : - -4-' 6 lo ■■:<,■ 4.'; •*! I '"■ 'J / I .' " . ■ 8- i . " 7 \ , . / > i I l.tm ;' i !. 5b j . i" . (in I (Hi i .mi On i 2.0 1 * • ■> S |'; :o'--io .'tihiliei;: aie aain.n d on Mr - bint cinl ot v<.<~ty Ik- f Patfc Ten ] Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Pocket Pens (With Screw Caps) itiUmmm \iim No. No. No. No. lain oc. 12 Poc. 14 I 1 I 5 P< ] 6 I 1 OC. Chased $2.50 No. 12 I'oc. $2.50 4.00 No. M I'oc. 4.00 5. on No. 15 l>oc. 5.00 6.00 No. 16 I'oc. 6.00 Gold Mounted Kngraved Bands No. 12Poc.C;.M.$;?.50 No. 14 Poc. CM. 5.00 No. 15 Poc. Ci.M. 6.00 No. lOPoc.G.M. 7.00 Filigree Sterling Silver $5.00 No. 412 No. 414 Gold : No. 0512 No. 05 M M'llcd ' $10.00 12.50 his design Pocket Pen is also made in short sizes (V. Poc.) for purse or trousers ket. Both the long and short sizes are also made in the Self-Filling type pot IV S. V. ) and sizes in a wide assortment of gold :tnd silver mounted slyl e s . Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Eleven ] Plain Chased and Mottled No. 12 *2. SO No. n j. so No. 14 4.00 No. IS 5.00 No. 16 6.00 No. 17 7.00 No. 18 8.00 Clip-Caps add to price. S8t<. Sol ( 7'ra it spa re n t Vie w ) Plain 12 S. F $2.5(> 14 S. F 4.00 No. No. No. 15 S. F 5.00 No. No. No. Chased 12 S. F $2.50 Silver Filigree $5.00 7.00 S.50 Clip-on-Cap Extra: Gold Band on Cap No. 12 S. F $3.50 No. 412 S. F ;4 S. F 4.00 No. 14 S. V 5.00 No. 414 S. F 15 8. F 5.00 No. 15 S. F 6.00 No. 415 S. F Or with One Gold Middle Band Illustrations % Actual Size No. 14 S. F. German Silver 25c, Sterling Silver 50c, Rolled Gold $1.00, Solid Gold $2.00 [ Page Fourteen] Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ml i ; nwiii)j how is staled hen closed Safety Type A style that can hi: earned in any position, upside down, right side up, side ways or end ways without spilling. Ail the superior features and patented parts in the regular Waterman's Ideals are combined in this fountain pen, in addition to it being so made that the gold pen conveniently screws back into the barrel permitting the cap to screw down showing how on the open end, positively sealing the it «s scaled barrel. when open An excellent style for ladies' use a.s they may he carried in piii^e, hand bniy or trunk with I" fiect safety. A general traveling oi fountain pen and excep- \ 1c naily useful for sportsmen. i Purse Size (Plain n r Chased) No. v. s. Kach $3.00 Clip cannot be attached to this S. i /. e. . Purse Size No. Each 412 J< V.S.Fil. $5.50 Vest Sizes 41 2 V.S.Fil. 5.50 414 V.S.Fil. 7.00 Pocket Sizes 412^S.Fil. 5.50 414 S. Fit. 7.00 Gold Filled $10.00 up Vest Size Gold Banded No. Each 12 S. G. M. M. $4.00 14 S. G. M. VI. 5.00 Purse Size 12^V.S.G.M.,VI. 4.00 Pocket Sizes J2^S.G.M.M. 4.00 12S.G.M.M. 4.00 14S.G. M.M. 5.00 Vest Size (Plain or Chased) No. 12 S. Each $3.00 14 kt.Gold Hand $7 up ' 16 S. Farmer Sizes 14 S. - - 4.00 15 S. - - 5.00 6.00 Large Pocket Size (Plain or Chased ) No. 12KS. 14% S. 15%$. 16% S. 18%.'S. Hach $3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Fifteen ] Check Book Pen Closed Open Plain Check Book Pen A perfect Water-- man's ldcul,in mini- ature, w hich has met with grout favor. Designed as a con- venient size tor vest pocket or purse use, f o r h a n d i n c s s in signing checks or making notes, or for compact combina- tion with diary or pocket memoran- dum book, I n I h ice styles Plain Klack $2.50 Plain Cardinal 2.50 Filigree Mounted.. 5.00 Actual size, closed, M4 inches Closed Open Fi'igree Check Book Pen r 1 The Baby Pen — actual size S x n inches, closed, $2.50 The Baby Pen A perfect little Waterman's Ideal which is very satisfactory for ^vn- era! use where a small pen is required. A splendid style lor children's use. One which is extensively used for birthday or christening gilts, [Page Sixteen] Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen Secretary Pen apied particularly as a dainty sty!,: for library and wriiing desk pur- This ton main pen is ad _ _ ; ^ j ^_ ^ Jiiu vvirjll ., ursK )ur s. IViicau:, yet very S lmn i; and durable, and" oTihat jiucne^ anTpattcrn wluen^make i'tTo ^.u aru appropriate. Many writers find great permanent convenience in a small pen of ihh . A perfect aiui compete Waterman's Ideal of a dc. Luxe stv' ' '-•piia';: for ladies. Ill OIIC Si/.conly and of the jievrral styles' shown below. (UlusUJitiw-r.s % actual size) for general use and particularly "flf. Sri frtr.ry Pep, is of iiie tegular i.'i'or t.'iip Style n; reduced ri / e til 9 Pal m in;.; peii t. do^ed No -, 1 -^ Chased. No. 12.1^ C, M...$3.50 No. 512 1 ^ Colonial.. A No made in plain ;snd mottled A Uo with chafed bands one. middle band Other st> ies of the Secretary .Pens are: Solid Cold middle band $5 00 N 0 . 312 T 2 Colonial. (Solid g Olit Colonial, niver covered 5.00 No. Barleycorn gold covered . .., V.\ gold covered.. , - - s -«* No. 512 h. Filigree, full gold covered C-.lon.al full s, ver covered K.OO No. 5J2^ Barleycorn, full gold covered. No. 0;>1234 IMain, full gold-filled covered $6 50 !'iiu/ree, full silver covered. .$2: .$15.00 IS. 00 23.50 25.00 Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen [ Pape Seventeen ] one aps tki vow l ; 'iljC!'ee s f c r 1 i n Biack or Cardinal No. 412 *S.OO 414 7.00 415 8.50 416 9.50 417 11.00 418 12.00 18-Kr. Cold Filled No. 0512 $10.00 No. 0514 12.50 14-KL Solid Gold No. 514 $25.00 NO. No. No. No. No. luciu-d Sterling with Nameplate $5.00 7.00 8. 50 9.50 11.00 12.00 All Silver Covered No. 412 18.50 No. 414 10.00 No. 415 12.00 No. 212 No. 214 No. 215 No. 216 No, 217 No. 218 Rose Sterling No. 21.4 $8.00 Chased FHlgrec 18-Kt. (.'old Filled No. 0J14 $8.00 14-Kt.Solid Gold No, 314 120.00 I Page Eighteen] Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen Plain Sterling Silver \'o. 222 $4.00 No. 224 7. 50 1 4- Kt. Solid Gold No. 324 #15.00 Chased Sterling Silver No. 222 $6.00 No. 224 8.00 !8-Kl. Gold Filled No. 0524 «10.no 1 4. Kt. Solid Gold No. 324 425.00 Barleycorn Sterling: Silver No. 222 $4.00 No. 224 7. 50 14-Kt.Solid Gold No. 324 $20.00 Patch Sterling Silver No. 224 $9,00 18-Kt. Gold Filled No. 0324 $10.00 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Nineteen ] Straight Caps 10* 1 vJ IN ( .» I V. i m PS Indian Scroll Sterling Silver No. 404 *1 1.00 14- Ki. Solid Gold No. 504 $4 5.00 C based Sterling: Silver No. 402 &7.50 No. 404 10.00 18-Kt. G'old Filled No. 0502 #10.00 No. 0504 15.00 M-Kt.SolidGold No, 504 $35.00 Barleycorn Sterling Silver No. 402 45.00 No. 404 8.00 18-Kt. Gold Filled N<>. 0502 *9.00 No. 0504 12.00 f 4 Kt. Solid Gold No. 504 110.00 Pate it Sterling Silver No. 402 $7. 50 No. 404 10.00 18-Kt. Gold Filled No. 0502 $10.00 No. 0504 15.00 t Page Twenty ] Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen G if ts aterman's Ideal Fountain Pen is the one perfect gift. ]t is beautiful and permanently useful, and a last- ing reminder of the giver. €I/\s it is in use throughout the entire year, it is a suit- able gift for all seasons. €i,For the business man it is a gift that he will use and appreciate, €iFor the business 'woman it is par excellence. Pens are (urnished especially for stenographers' use. €1,1' or the clergyman to write his sermons. €[For the lady at home, pens which will ornament any writing table. $LFor the employee from his employer, a pen will please the recipient and save the giver's time. €t,For the College boy, a gold mounted pen bearing the emblem of his college. €1, For the member of a fraternal order, suitable emblem pens. €ljt is a mistake to think that Fountain Pens are only appreciated by men. They are quite as welcome gifts to women and children. you give "her" a IVaterman 's Ideal fountain Pen, she may be persuaded to write you again. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen C P^«= Twenty-one ] Eng raving C! i k>ld am 1 silver mounted peris usually have a space ior engraving, and the prices k>r such in any ot (he styles shown are given below. Styles of Engraving STYLE E.2 STYLE E.3 STYLE E.4 STYLE E.5 STYLE E.6 STYLE E.7 ft* .Script Block Old Knxlisli, Small Old Knulish, capitals only. Dropped cipher .script monoj; rain .Style: K2 4c. per letter .Style E7 6c. per letter ..Style K? !()«.'. per letter .Style VA 1 per letter .Style K! 0 letter:; or less; 40c. per pen .Style \ : J). ( ? letters or less) -40c. per pen Ribbon iiioiioi'iain Style iv4 ( ? letters or less) '/Sc. per pen Muck Monogram Style K 1 ) 0 letters or less) 75c. per pen No entjraviiii,' done for less than 1 Sc. , Orders for Engraving around Christmas time cannot be executed if received later than December ,15th. €£ln ordering, care should be taken to write name and initials very distinctly, as alterations cannot be satis f actori 1 y made . [Page Twenty-two] Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ideal Caps and Tkeir Styles Some Important Points Cone Caps C/There is never any difficulty about replacing a Cap of the Cone variety. In oases of this kind all that is necessary is to see the number which is stamped on the butt-end of the holder, and a specification of this num- ber together with a statement as to what finish of cap is desired, whether Plain, Chased or Mottled, will re- sult in your securing a cap to fit. Cjn order to replace either a Taper or a Straight Cap, fitting the holder against a shoulder of any kind, it is nec- essary that the cap should be actually fitted, because there is always some light variation in size, depending on the length of time the pen has been in use, and in order to secure a perfect fitting cap, the holder should be sent in for adjustment. In such cases pens are generally overhauled without charge. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen [ Page Tw«nty-tW j Cap Prices I, By comparing the number on the butt-end of the holder with the list shown below, the price of any cap is ascertained. Price List of Caps, Va r i o u a Sizes Black, C fi a s c d o r M o 1 1 1 c cl i Z£\ v i o -% ! v - OX', o c «! t> o £ i o oJH\ v ! c .£ v GO; T: O O -C ! O O: 'C 1 O Ol -V. | O O; "C : C Ci 'C i O C I xj o, } y* X i a- ~ : x: Xj a. j x. s:; a. ; x. X ; ~ ■ x. x Straight Cap- 2 i 25c i i j 25c | 4 j 25<- | 5 j .?0c | 6 | 40e , 7 ! 5(V j S | ^k: Cone Cap j 12 i 2$c ; 1 ? 25c ; 14 ' 2 V ' l< | Ok- j 16 j 40c . 17 , 5!)c 8 I K ! SOc Taper Cup ; 22 ! 25c | 21 j 25c i 24 i 25c ' 25 j \\k: i 26 ! 40c • 27 ! 5l)c j 28 j 5l)c j | i 4i | 25c j 44 ! 25c i 4$ | JOc j 46*40.- \ 48 j 5 0c Cone Cap !l2l\| 2.5c i HP.! 25c ,141'.' 25c !|5|».| «>c \\(>\\ \ 40c : ' j Ideal Clip-Caps The Clip-Cap is identified with Water- man's Ideal Fountain Pen. Purchasers of fountain Pens insist on it. It is a sim- ple but strong device, that grips the pocket, and is a protection against loss. Prices of Clips in Addition to Above Prices For Gcnnrn Silver Clips add SO. 25 to above price;! For Sterling Silver Clips add 0.50 to above prices For IK-Kl. (iold Filled Clips add 1.00 to above; prices For 14- K(. Solid Gold Clips add 2.00 to above prices Exchanging Caps for Clip-Caps €1, Dealers can supply customers with Clip-Caps by simply exchanging and charging the difference, which varies according to the style of clip selected. Caps thus taken in exchange by our dealers will (hen be credited when returned to us with next order for Clip-Caps, always pro- viding they are caps of our manufacture in good condition. [ Page Twentyf our j Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen Vest and Ckatelaine Pockets €1. The illustrations below give a fairly good idea of some of our vest and chatelaine pen holders. These are made in both leather and plush, and in the colors listed Price List of Safety Pockets i u , di . „ I.KATHI-R Retail i Part, Black, Russer. Red, Tan. .„ ■I Part, Black, Russet, Red. Tan m '£ Part, Black, Russet. Red, Tan ' 'f^ . VKLVliT 1 ran, t.reeu. Brown 2 Part, Oreen. Brown 1 Pan, Green, Brown ... ^ 40 Chatelaines (for ladies' use) LEATHKR R( . tail t Psrt. Black, Tan, Russet, Suede ' , rt 2 Part. Black, Tan, Russet, Suede. W ' ™ 40 1 Part, Green, Brown .... . $0.50 Waterman's Ideal Fountain P en [Page Twenty-five] Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ink ■/.. . with Filler. . . Desk Killer Travelers' Filler, Wood . Travelers' Filler, Nickel . One-half Pint Pint Quart 1 Combined (Writing and Copying) .10 . 1 5 .25 .25 .2 5 .50 ,J5 .65 .00 Desk Filler, complete, 25 cent Filler, only, 10 cents, 2-OZ. • . . . • * .10 Si/.c F . . . . .20 Desk Killer . . • • JO 6-oz. . . . . . ■ .15 One-half Pint . • • • .45 Pint . . . • .75 Ouart . . . . 1.10 Red 2-07.. . . • • S . 1 5 Size K . . . . .25 ~)esk Filler • ■ (V-07,. . . . , . . .40 One-half Pint .. . . . .60 Pint . . • ■ 1.00 Ouart . . • . 1.50 Sold by ynur draltr [Page I wenty-sixj Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ideal P en Cleaner Each Fifteen Cent« «Ut is a fact that the use of different kinds of ink «„ w «f wh.ch may be njuddy and thick, will in iVcEJ fthe most delicate part of the pen - the feed 1 he gold pen should never be taken apart or separated from the feed in C Unscrew the point section jfflvAK attach Ideal Cleaner (which fits \W VZvV any size perfectly), then draw Y ,u c j , dlschar Ke water through ^V/^- he feed and point section as indicated in U the picture. I his will dissolve any ^> Bummed ink and clean it thoroughly. Never use hot water; ,t affects the rubber. C.When a pen " ha" bin S i of «fin- wn T as is somctimes ""wisely o er!i 1 " & the .= lean '«S should be very thorough, otherwise the pen will not give satisfactory service. Ideal Joint Opener en Cents CMany people are in the habit of screwing the neck or joint very tightly, with the result that the opening of it becomes a very difficult matter, because there is so little room for a good grip. fU he Idea Joint Opener easily overcomes ail this and will easily open the most refractory joint Waterman s Ideal Fountain Pen [Page Twenty-seven 1 Xlie Care of a P en To Fill the Pen Unscrew the point section (C)~~page 9-anc! by the use of the glass dropper /ill the barrel nearly ful with mk. Dry 0 ff thc emi of t , barre and the screw threads before closino- and then screw up firmly; otherwise you wif] soil your fingers at. the joint. If the point section does not unscrew readily, a piece of elastic band put around it will afford an effect- ive grip. Also see our Ideal Joint Opener- opposite page. 1 Xo Clean the Pen Hold the point section down and allow cold water to run through it; or fit the rubber bulb from the filler over Hie screw threads and force water in and out through the feed. Also see our Ideal Pen Cleaner- opposite page. I he barrel can be rinsed out repeat- edly until it is clean. Hot water should not be used, as it destroys the polish oj the rubber. A drop or two of ammonia used occasionally will cleanse it thoroughly. The C a p may host, be removed or put in place with a slight twist from left to right which will cause it to move easily vyithout suction or jarring. Tins •should be done with the pen point up. If the inside of the cap becomes soiled, dean it with tissue paper on the end of a march, or with a blotter as illustrated; otherwise, it will soil A3 1 1 ."5 2 (M 5* sA a. u f 12 1 « 6% 13 ? u (>% S3* 1 V 1 14 6 A 0 'J t 15 u 7 SA 16 1 r, .15 7 SA r 22 23 l l 3 2 G'A 674 VA $ 7 A ° j V-. 1 24 u' 6K 5# Tap 25 6j's 26 6 A 5ft r 43 U 6 l A 6K Desk 44 45 hi 6 l A bVu 6K 6ft 46 &3 6 l A Drops of Ink H eld Contains J nk to Write ! t P.u'es J Wonts Hon i a 60 75 16.000 11 70 90 18.000 13 75 1 00 20. 000 15 100 125 2 5,000 20 125 1 50 30.000 25 75 1 00 20.000 15 75 100 20.000 15 75 100 20.000 15 100 125 25.000 20 125 150 30.000 25 50 60 12.000 10 60 75 15,000 12 75 100 18,000 13 100 125 22,000 18 125 150 28,000 22 90 110 23,000 18 90 110 23.000 18 1.15 135 28.000 22 140 160 3 3.000 27 In Inches. t Note Paper. TEN STORY CONCRETE FACTORY NOS. 34-40 FLETCHER STREET, NEW YORK CITY ENTIRELY DEVOTED TO THE MANUFACTURE OF % w ^ermaris(©FountadnPen Rubber FACTORY Canadian factory SEYMOUR, . " - - CONN. ST. LAMBERT, - - P. Q,